Haley’s Toilet Part 2

Matthew and Haley laid cuddled up with each other on the couch for almost two hours. The television had began a South Park marathon, which usually would’ve caused a great deal of laughter, but this morning Haley couldn’t help but let her mind race. She was positive Matthew was going through the same thing.

She couldn’t believe that it had taken 23 years for her boyfriend to have his sexual awakening. This caused her to replay what she could remember about her own when she was 14; the celebrity crushes, the experiments with the bathtub faucet, but most importantly how her mentality changed. She realized her sexuality had transformed her into almost a completely different version of Haley. She couldn’t help but worry: Was she still dating the same Matthew? Did he still view her as he did just 24 hours ago?

“Oh, babe, I forgot to tell you, my guy didn’t have any 2C-B left for the firework show tonight. I bought us some mushrooms instead,” Matthew recalled.

“Ooh hm, that’ll be interesting,” said Haley, now back in reality.

“I could drive into the city and try to find some off the street if you prefer, but it’ll most likely be cut with something that’d give us a hangover, totally up to you though.”

“No worries at all love, we’ll have fun,” Haley turned and kissed him on the cheek.

Her eyes drifted back to the classic scene of Chef singing to the new substitute teacher. She giggled. Matthew wasn’t aware, but his gesture brought her a great deal of peace. “Still my Matthew,” she thought to herself.

Eventually the couple’s day began. Haley went out to the laundromat as Matthew stayed home to prepare some potato salad for their friend Travis’s “potluck barbecue thing.”

As the clothes were in the machine, Haley decided to take a walk through a park nearby. She eventually sat down on a bench, her view being another bench across from her where a tall woman was sitting, AirPods in her ears and sunglasses over her eyes. Haley watched the woman carelessly munch on a Nature Valley bar, crumbs falling all over the sidewalk. Beneath her was a very happy pigeon, indulging in the mound of lunch she was unconsciously leaving for it. She was completely clueless to the amount of joy she was bringing it.

Haley took a long, proud breath. How lucky she was! Here Matthew had to lick and suck her pussy with immense attention and effort to please her, meanwhile all she had to do for him was mindlessly relieve herself over him and it was more than enough. She couldn’t help but smile all the way home.

The barbecue was a sweet time. The group was big enough for things to feel like a celebration, but small enough to stay personal and friendly. Travis revealed that he had taken on a new hobby of brewing hard (and incredibly strong!) cider. He had even bottled it. Nobody could get over how well it had turned out. At one point, Haley excused herself to use the bathroom. She could see Matthews face, seemingly longing to go with her. Of course he stayed behind, however. Not only would it have seemed fishy, but Travis was still getting over his ex. This was not the time for hints of their intimacy.

Haley shut the bathroom door, pulled her empty cider bottle out from her hoodie pocket, and to the best of her ability filled it with her warm pee. A bit spilled over onto her hand, and out of curiosity she licked it off. She winced, shrugged, washed her hands and made her way back to the backyard.

“There you are! Matthew needs your support over here! I’ve been whooping his ass at ping pong ever since you left his side!” Travis gave a hearty laugh.

Haley smirked. Of course Matthew was distracted. He thought he was missing out on the real fun backstage.

“Hey Matt honey, I don’t think I can finish this, I’ve definitely drank too much already. Do you want it?” Haley held up her bottle in front of him.

“Sure thing, Haley.” He grabbed the suspiciously warm glass bottle out of her hands and almost dropped it. He looked up to see Haley winking at him mischievously.

Haley watched as Matthew adjusted his jeans repeatedly. It was quite the battle to keep herself from laughing. This was his first time having to hide a boner!

“I have absolutely no words,” Matthew declared, closing the car door as Haley drove off. She was laughing so hard her eyes were watering.

“Love you too my dear!!”

Once she finally managed to calm herself down, Haley noticed Matthew flipping through the radio stations on the car’s stereo. It was mostly static at this point since they were now far out of town and driving through the mountains of Boulder, Colorado. After another 20 minutes, Haley parked the car atop the “us-spot,” as Matthew liked to call it.

“Cheers!” They took the mushrooms at exactly 7 in the evening in hope that they would kick in for the sunset. While they waited, the couple decided to climb a tree and look down at the mountain town through their binoculars. The plan was to watch the sunset, climb down before it became too dark to see, watch the fireworks from the car to some music, fall asleep and wake up the next morning refreshed and sober enough to drive.

It turned out to be a great time – for a while. Once the first firework gave a loud boom, the bushes around them rustled. They smiled at each other with their eyes wide.

“I guess that startled the animals around, I wonder what they think is going on!” Matthew said. Suddenly he stopped smiling. Realizing he was staring at the car window behind her, Haley turned around. A mountain lion had emerged from the brush and was staring at them. Normally this would’ve cause panic, but on mushrooms? You bet it did.

“Should I honk? Would it scare it away?”

“No no! What if that makes it angry?”

“Roll up the window what are you doing! We can’t let it know we’re talking about it.”

“Wouldn’t it just come and break the window? I’m leaving mine cracked.”

Eventually they understood the mountain lion was more focused on the loud sounds of the fireworks than the car. They both sighed and tried their best to stay relaxed and enjoy the show.

Suddenly, Haley’s stomach began to turn. She looked down and realized it was about the time which the mushrooms usually find trouble digesting. Without thinking she opened the car door.

Matthew anxiously leaned across her and pulled it shut. “Haley!” He whispered. “You can’t go out there!”

Haley was shocked how quickly she forgot about the incredible danger licking its fur outside the car. She looked at Matthew, beginning to sweat.

“Babe, what do I do? I need to shit! Like really bad!”

This was not good at all. She started to tremble and noticed Matthew was trembling as well. She saw him gulp and look down at his pants.

Haley understood. Without a word they both scrambled to undress and climbed to the back of the car. Matthew laid across the back seat, his shirt under his head.

“Alright, just sit like you normally would. I’ll try to support you with my hands.”

Haley couldn’t believe this was happening. No time to think about it though, she was about to explode. She nodded and swiftly sat over Matthew’s face. With a loud, long fart, Haley’s light brown poop shot into the back of Matthew’s mouth. She heard him choke, but the pressure of her stomach would not let her slow down. She watched as her shit sprayed into his mouth, as well as the rest of his face. Still choking, he shut his eyes tightly just in time while it rained over his eyelids. The inner walls of his mouth were now completely brown.

Haley finally gathered the strength to close her asshole and let him recover a bit. This was no easy task.

“Matthew, chew! Quickly!” She didn’t know what else to do: Haley opened her legs and spit into his mouth. This definitely helped, but not quickly enough. She would need to release again soon. She gritted her teeth and with her hand began pressing her poop deeper into his mouth towards his throat, so as to make space for what was to come. Matthew squirmed and protested.

Haley felt so bad. She tried to compensate by leaning forward and reaching for his penis, which was beginning to soften. The shift of her weight cause her butt to slip from Matthew’s grip and fall onto his face, his lips naturally coming to a seal around her asshole. She began to stroke his cock with her already wet hand as she allowed her asshole to loosen. As she jacked him off, Haley felt her poop building up in his mouth until it was touching her asshole. The seal made it so there was nowhere for the shit to go but down his throat. She pushed as hard as she could as she stroked him faster and faster.

After what must’ve felt like forever to Matthew, her stomach was empty. She sighed with triumph and watched his cum shoot out of his chamber onto his abdomen.

An “mmph!” from Matthew caused her to realize she had been restricting his breath this whole time. She lifted herself off of him to the sound of a loud, long gasp.

All of Haley’s anxieties vanished when she met eyes with Matthew, whose poop covered face was beaming up at her. She couldn’t help but laugh.

“Wow. That was something. What a pleasant surprise,” said Matthew, licking his upper lip.

“You’re not done, ya know. I see quite the mess!”

“Yes ma’am!” Matthew began licking the shit out of Haley’s crack. Haley let out a quiet moan to his delight. He passionately ate her ass until she let herself squirt all over him, which simultaneously helped wash off his face.

And with that, the couple shimmied their way to the front seat and continued watching the fireworks, holding hands.

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